New Book: Everyone’s a Winner

With someone with a marketing background, I’m not always the best when it comes to marketing myself. Like how I sat on this new book! Right now, Everyone’s a Winner is available on Amazon and Medium. I’ll start publishing to other marketplaces today.

The foreword I wrote for it, though, works here as a news update/blog post. Kind of goes into the story behind the story:

This book is an experiment. It started off as a short story I wrote for a friend, and I never intended to publish it as anything more than a short in some future collection of stories. I decided to post it on Medium in two parts (I’m on there @kennywriter). The comments inspired me to write more. More became this book that you’re now reading.

It’s an experiment because it’s so wildly different than how I normally write anything. When I compose a book, I have a loose idea of where I want it to go as I put words down on the page. I follow the characters where they take me, but I’m always the shepherd. When true story finally emerges, I almost always go back and revise earlier chapters. When the characters go off the rails, I often walk back those crazier scenes. When I think of a fun twist, I will revise the earlier story to give that twist more foreshadowing and impact.

With Everyone’s a Winner, I couldn’t do any of this. The chapters were being written and published in real time. I didn’t want to edit something that had been out there for weeks. I was stuck with the decisions that my characters (and I) made along the way. It’s been an interesting experience, a fun writing exercise, and has produced a book that I would never have published otherwise.

Whether it was successful or not, I’ll let you readers decide through sales, feedback, and review. For me, it’s been fun!