2012 resolutions check-in

Back in January, I wrote up some resolutions I had for the new year. I came up with four (plus one in the comments). Here’s how I’m doing.

  1. Finish at least two novel length stories.[INCOMPLETE]
    No progress here, sadly, although I’ve started on yet another story that’s turning out to be of novel length. I think that this one’s still possible. I may not be able to write two novel length stories, but at the very least one should be done.
  2. Post more free stuff. [INCOMPLETE]
    Let’s see. In 2011, I posted six free stories. In 2012, I’ve posted one (Moving Mrs. Mitchell). However, my philosophy has also changed. One day soon, I’ll write a much lengthier blog post on the matter. The short of it is that now that I’m distributing through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, etc., I have less time to craft separate stories for the free sites. It’ll still happen—in fact, I’m working on one now—but I will probably not be doubling the number of free stories posted per year, as I initially said.
  3. Redesign kennywriter.com.[ACCOMPLISHED]
    This one’s done. Boom. Still need to fix the stories page, but for now, it’ll do.
  4. Get published. [ACCOMPLISHED]
    I’m very happy to have checked this one off. It’s a lot more work than I realized (between the editing, formatting, designing of covers, working with distributors, there’s almost no time to write) but it’s definitely a rewarding experience. And if, for some reason, you’re reading this blog and didn’t know I’ve got books out there, the redesign of this site has a pretty cool portfolio of those ebooks. Check it out!
  5. Blog more [SORT OF COMPLETE]
    This one was added in a comment (by me) and I may delete it. Basically, I’ll blog when I have something to say. Seems pointless to blog just for the sake of blogging. Sometimes, I feel like I’ve got a lot to say. Other times, not so much. I don’t think anyone really wants to hear the ins and outs of my days, as exciting as they typically are. So if this year happens to be one where I had more to say than last, then this resolution will complete itself.

So there it is. Not counting #5, I’m at 50%, and we’re just past the 50% mark on the year. Not bad. Unfortunately for me, one of those resolutions is a doozy, and the other I’m not going to bother accomplishing. Oh well. Who ever sticks to their resolutions, anyway?

New book: Leap

Leap by Kenny Wright

Looking to make a hot summer weekend even hotter? You’re in luck. Not only is my latest story now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but for a limited time, it’s only .99!

Or right, what’s it about. Here’s the blurb:

On February 29, a day that comes just once every four years, Jack Carter announces that, “What happens on Leap Day stays on Leap Day.” His wife Sarah knows he’s up to something, and when he explains that today is a day to take risks and get a little crazy, she grasps what it is: he wants to watch her with another man.

Jack had the fantasy first; and at first, Sarah didn’t understand it. Hell, neither did Jack. All he knew was that the thought of his wife in the arms of another man was exciting; the build-up, the flirtation, the act, even his nauseous jealousy always got him hard. Sarah didn’t deny her own arousal, especially when her coworker, David, began taking the role of imagined lover. He was fit, hot, and most importantly, he was attracted to her.

Neither Jack nor Sarah ever thought they’d take the plunge from reality to fantasy. It was too risky. Too crazy. With February 29 just beginning, will it be the day they finally make the leap?

If you’re still not sure, I’ve posted an excerpt here, but the Amazon or BN previews might actually have more. (Or, you could just follow those links and buy it.)