Juggling act of a writer

When writing a story, I find that I often feel like a juggler: characters, plots, twists, intricacies, I have to keep track of them all as they rise and fall. This is my process. It’s not the best process in the world, but it works for me, most of the time. It lets me stay organic while still dealing with outlines. It lets me write in a non-linear fashion if need be while still keeping things consistent.

Thing is, I can’t write like that with multiple stories going on at once, which is where I am currently. And even more to the point, I can’t write like a juggler when I feel like so much of my life is being juggled. My wife and I are moving out to the burbs (yup, the kid is just about a year, so the timeline fits, right?), my job has gotten remained crazy. Things keep going wrong in the place we’re selling. Oh yeah, and it’s the holidays.

In order for the juggling act to be successful, you need to be focused. A lot of details are being kept in your head and as soon as something comes in to distract it, something is bound to fall. I feel like stories are falling around me all the time. I’ve got this really great angel story for the holidays, I’ve got my voyeur story for Ellora’s erotica for men line, I’ve got a nice collaborative story ready for editing from a new author-friend, and then a handful of near completed works that I want to get to. And they’re all lying around me in a sad clutter.

Well, it’s time to start picking things up again. Hopefully by the new year, things will have calmed down more and you’ll see new things from me!

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