New cover designs

I’ve been busy on the design front with a slew of new covers for some really amazing authors.

My good friend Kirsten McCurran published her latest last week, Emma’s Escape, a scintillating tale about a young woman letting go of her comfortable yet boring life, and embracing a sexual side that she never knew she had. If you’re a fan of Kirsten’s, or if you’re in the mood for a sexy book about innocence lost and sexuality found, check out Emma’s Escape.

Lucy V. Morgan just launched her New Adult parody, Tousle Me (A Cliché Too Far), last Friday. This is her first full-length romantic comedy, and is pretty damn funny. Click on over to Amazon to read the hilarious blurb, then read the even more hilarious book.

I’ve got a new book, too, which necessitates a new cover. I’ve been teasing Because He’s Watching: Ian’s Escape for a few weeks now, so I won’t do it again. Just click that link and read the blurb. It should be out soon. Oh, and because that book is so closely tied to Kirsten’s book, I designed a new cover for hers as well.

I’ve got a couple more designs for books that aren’t ready for announcing, including a new one from Max Sebastian, and the debut book of a new author to the naughty wife scene, Ben Boswell. Stay tuned for announcements early in the new year.

[gdl_gallery title=”New Covers” width=”100″ height=”160″ ]

Site redesign:

Over the weekend, I redesigned Lucy V. Morgan’s website. Check it out if you want some highly entertaining blog entries, giveaway opportunities for her upcoming novel, Chairman of the Whored (definitely pre-order this if you’re a fan of erotica; it’s spicy), and other goodies.

My experience “designing” a Blogger website was an interesting one. When I discovered that the templates were all gathered into one, honking file (this includes the CSS and the javascript — jquery libraries and all), I decided to actually apply a pre-existing template to it and then design around that. She wanted clean, elegant, yet sexy (and a bit quirky) and I think it was successful.

Credit where credit is due:

  • The template I based this off of was Beauty & Clean, written by LiteThemes
  • The photo in the header is off of Veer (license held by Lucy)
  • All content is written by Lucy herself
  • Google did the rest!
  • Oh, and maybe some of my own design went into it, somewhere.